Gravity Semicons Pvt Ltd, serves each and every industry segment where electronics is even remotely present. This is due to our vast experience in the electronic and electromechanical components segment. Our focus segments includes Automotive, Industrial Electronics, Internet of Things, Telecom Equipments, 5G, Renewable Energy, Industry 4.0, Smart Homes and Buildings, Smartphones, Lighting, Power Electronics, Defense Electronics and many more.

We continuously strive towards having our presence in new applications and areas while participating heavily on existing applications and mature markets. In India, we have good presence in mature and mass market segments like LED Lighting, Energy Meters & Smart Meters and Home Appliances primarily Inverter based Aircons, Refrigerators and Washing Machines etc. While serving these, we are heavily participating on new and emerging market segments like Electric Vehicles, Charing Infrastructure, 5G Equipment, Internet of Things, Smart Cities and Smart Buildings.


  • Instrumentation Clusters.
  • Infotainment Systems.
  • Engine Control Units.
  • Motors & Drives.
  • DC-to-DC Converters.
  • On Board Chargers.
  • Portable EV Chargers.

Consumer Electronics

  • Air Conditioners.
  • Ceiling Fans.
  • Washing Machines.
  • Refrigerators.
  • Fan Regulators.
  • Kitchen Appliances.
  • Cleaning Equipments.

Information & Communication

  • 5G Equipments.
  • Wi-Fi, Routers & Switches.
  • Smart Phones.
  • IT Hardware.
  • Laptops & Tablets.
  • Servers and Data Centers.
  • RFID Systems.

Industrial Electronics

  • Electronic Contract Manufacturers.
  • Robotics.
  • Industry 4.0.
  • Industrial Automation.
  • Solar & Other Renewables.
  • Power Equipment.
  • Access Control Systems.

Lighting & Luminaires

  • LED Bulbs.
  • LED Drivers.
  • Surge Protection Devices.
  • LED Battens.
  • Facade Lighting Solutions.
  • Street Lighting.
  • Horticulture Lighting.

Internet of Things

  • Telematics.
  • Smart Homes.
  • Smart Agriculture.
  • Drones.
  • Smart Retail Solutions.
  • Digital Signage.
  • Public Information Systems.